ORIGINAL ARTWORK: The Case For The Union


Genuine one-off collage artwork signed by Greg Moodie. This multi-layered piece was photographed and published online on February 15th 2021. It was created using traditional cut and paste techniques with an overall page size of 425 x 560mm. Rare and highly collectable.

Contains an array of collage material and a subliminal message written in UV ink around the perimeter.

The particular story features Douglas Ross, Lord Forsyth, Andrew Neil, Andrew Bowie and Gordon Brown.

The artist’s comment: ‘Lord Forsyth tried to tell a Question Time audience that an independent Scotland would never have coped with the Covid crisis; Andrew Bowie was told by journalist George Monbiot that he was part of the corrupt dysfunctional UK government, which the Tory pipsqueak took on the chin; and Douglas Ross was still everywhere being his usual unimaginative self.’



Dimensions: 425mm x 560mm. Media: Layered papers and mixed media pasted on heavyweight construction paper.


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